Case 4: Reviewing Making-Visible
March 30, 2011, 19:30, STATTBAD Wedding | click on the image to download the publication
image (top): Palm-Leaf Umbrella, Shape Grammar Analysis, from "Shape: Talking about Seing and Doing" by George Stiny, MIT Press 2006, courtesy of the author.
photos by Sabine Schulz Blank and Lola Meyer

The Anxious Prop, Case 4: Reviewing Making-Visible
Sichtbarmachen ist die Voraussetzung jeder gemeinschaftlichen Erkenntnis - und jeder Bereich operiert mit seinen eigenen Medien, und zwar beileibe nicht nur visuellen. AXP C4 geht der Frage nach, welche Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen beschreibenden und gestaltenden Wissenschaften auf der Ebene der Visualisierung bestehen. In kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit dem wissenschaftlichen Format der Konferenz werden Arbeiten und Interventionen aus verschiedenen Gestaltungskontexten gezeigt und mit Gästen aus der Wissenschafts- und Architekturtheorie debattiert. Zum Anlass der Veranstaltung erscheint am Abend des 30. März die 3. Ausgabe des AXP Feuilletons und lädt zur Diskussion mit den Autoren der Beiträge ein.

The Anxious Prop, Case 4: Reviewing Making-Visible
Making-Visible is a prerequisite for collective knowledge - and each mode of production makes their own, certainly not only through visual channels. AXP C4 aims to question the differences and similarities between science and the plastic arts in terms of making-visible. In an epistemic examination of the scientific format of the conference, work and interventions are seen through open debates about science, art and architectural production featuring guests such as Hans-Jörg Rheinberger. As a collective/publication, The Anxious Prop will intervene and release its latest feuilleton, with the general intent to present the process of curating collectivity, to present a series of works that will constitute a operative environment, and to casually talk about the released material, with the contributors and the public.

Case 4 is co-directed by Jan Bovelet and Luis Berríos-Negrón, and contains contributions by Caitlin Berrigan, Luis Berríos-Negrón, Jan Bovelet, Rick Buckley, Eric Ellingsen, Tim Gough, Mendel Heit, Alexandra Hopf, Anna Kostreva, Boris Kajmak, Miodrag Kuč, Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga, Pia Marais, MIT Museum, Olivia Plender, The Product, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Carrie Roseland, Salottobuono, Gabi Schillig, George Stiny.

This feuilleton is both a sporadic publication and a loose collective operating under the aegis of The Anxious Prop. That which is common is the desire to work with two looping, yet sequential parameters: 1. We are into the labor of producing forms, shapes, and figures as a method to explore collective knowledge by challenging the discourse of digital fabrication; 2. These forms, shapes, and figures emerge with the disposition to be activated, triggering their condition as theatrical objects and their consequent instrumental or anthropological role in the world.